Saturday, August 31, 2013

Nuff Said

In light of both Emily and my love lives, I thought this was a perfect quote of how we feel when the other starts or ends a relationship.  We are very protective of each other.  If your best friend starts dating someone and you are unsure, just post this gem, the guy will get the hint...Yes it is a little passive, but hey at least the point is made.  

Remember dating should be fun.  Just be honest with one another and then hopefully your best friend will never have to break their face!

Farewell Summer

I am heading back to school tomorrow.  It was a LONG summer.  This summer I was extremely excited to start something new.  I started my Montessori Training for Pre-primary children, and I fell in love with the philosophy of Maria Montessori.  I was working at the Montessori preschool I attended as a little girl, and had the opportunity to work with the director on some positive changes for the program.

I had a few rocky moments this summer where I just felt like I was going threw the motions. I have limited friends back at home, and as I am sure as many college students can relate to, coming home after living with friends 24/7 is a hard transition.  I would wake up, go to work, come home and go to bed.  I was missing a little bit of spontaneity.  Luckily, I am blessed to have an amazing best friend, Emily of course, who is always here for me.  When I was feeling down we would have a good talk over coffee or a good laugh watching the Bachelorette.

Something else that I started this summer was blogging of course.  Emily and I had a great time at the beginning of summer with our blog.  Sadly, our busy lives got the best of us.  However, we are committed to this blog, and we are going to post!  I promise.

As I go back to school to finish my last semester, I am torn with the excitement of being done with school and the anticipation of what is to come.  I am SO ready to be done with the reading, tests, notes, projects etc of school.  However, starting my life journey as a college graduate and a Montessori teacher is a little scary.  Just thinking about the future bills to pay (not to mention loans from school) is a little bit overwhelming.  But I guess that is just a part of life.  I am also very eager to work in a Montessori classroom to finish my training.  Meaning, I will be one step closer to having my own classroom.  This semester better go by fast!

Well I suppose that is all for my summer wrap up thoughts. Thanks for reading :)